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Publication of the Year

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🏆 Justas Dauparas - Robust deep learning–based protein sequence design using ProteinMPNN

Full author list: Dauparas, J., Anishchenko, I., Bennett, N., Bai, H., Ragotte, R.J., Milles, L.F., Wicky, B.I., Courbet, A., de Haas, R.J., Bethel, N. and Leung, P.J.

Publication of the Year by a Young Researcher

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🏆 Ugne Klibaite - Deep phenotyping reveals movement phenotypes in mouse neurodevelopmental models

Full author list: Klibaite, U., Kislin, M., Verpeut, J.L., Bergeler, S., Sun, X., Shaevitz, J.W. and Wang, S.S.H.

Honorable Mentions

AI Company of the Year


🏆 **PIXEVIA** - retail shops powered by AI. Fast, seamless shopping, and automated store management.